Summary Investor Relations Guidelines
KCC’s Investor Relations Guidelines was updated and approved by the Board of Directors on 12 December 2024.
The purpose of the investor relations guidelines is to:
Ensure that relevant, accurate and timely information is made available to the market as a basis for fair pricing and regular trading of the Company’s shares
Ensure that the Company is perceived as a visible, accessible, reliable and professional company by the capital market
The above goals shall be achieved while at the same time observing the rules and legislation for listed companies on Oslo Børs. The Company’s ambition is to comply with the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR as amended from time to time, last amended on 1 March 2021.
Communication with analysts, investors etc.
Review of analyst draft reports
KCC should limit any reviews and comments to the following:
Correcting historical information of a factual nature
To a reasonable extent provide and point out information that is already in the public domain
Discussing on a general basis the factors which could influence underlying assumptions used for any future projections
Quarterly group calls with covering analysts
The Company will hold Quarterly group calls with covering analysts on the same day as the quarterly Business Update is published, estimated to be around day 10 after close of the quarter.
Invitations to these calls will be sent to all covering analysts in advance
During the call, analysts will have the opportunity to ask questions
All materials intended for use during the group calls shall be published alongside the Business Update prior to the call
No new information shall be disclosed in these calls beyond what has been published in the Business Update or in other published material prior to the call
The Business Update shall provide details including the names of participants, date and time of the group call
The group call shall be recorded
Principles for communication
All price-sensitive information must be provided simultaneously to all market participants. This implies that statements to the stock exchange and press releases will be distributed through Oslo Børs and published on KCC's home pages
All investor presentations and similar documents containing new information of a non-confidential nature will be made available through the Company’s Investor Relations site at
Presentations used in meetings with individual investors and analysts shall not be materially different from those previously presented on the Company's home pages. Nor should individual investors or analysts be given verbal information that is not shared with the overall market
All presentations, reports etc to be published in English
When publishing the quarterly reports, the Company guides on TCE earnings for the next quarter. If management considers it necessary, they may guide on other relevant figures (e.g. dry docking, off-hire, CAPEX, OPEX)
The Company shall publish a Business Update every quarter. The Business Update to be published within 10 business days of the first month after the end of the quarter. The update to contain TCE earnings per on-hire day and total on-hire days including comments related to performance and main events
Silent period begins at the earlier of, i) the first day after the end of a quarter and ii) 30 days prior to release date, and lasts until the financial report has been made public. As a main rule, investor and analyst meetings shall not be held during the silent period. However, the Quarterly group calls with covering analysts have been defined as an exception as it focuses on the Business Update published in the silent period. For any meetings held during the silent period, special care must be taken to ensure that the information provided complies with disclosure regulations and does not include any material non-public information